Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Try make your own Picasso picture for homelink

Calendar Art

Here is some of our Picasso art work we did for our calendar art.
We understand that they are a lot of money, however they would make really good Christmas presents for family! They are also a fundraiser for our school.
$14 for calendar
$14 for 8 cards
$16 for a dairy

Monday, August 15, 2016


We have been estimating the length of some of our body parts.
Then we used rulers to see what they actually were.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Hi there,
In week 9 we have parent teacher interviews to share how your child is progressing in their learning and what their next learning steps will be. The main day for interviews is Thursday 30th of June with the first interview starting at 1.30pm (school will close at 1pm on this day). Interviews run for a maximum of 15 minutes.
I am happy to meet on another day if Thursday does not suit.
Please email me with a time that suits and I will do my best to get you in at that time.
Look forward to seeing you there.

Amy Nicholas 


Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Monday, May 23, 2016

Fish for the fales

Look at our fish we painted today for the school fales. They are going to look great all swimming together!

Growth mindset

We are learning how to have a growth mindset... we try our best to keep our thoughts positive. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Homelink ideas from our trip to Kelly Tarltons

  • Write a sea story
  • List some facts about sea life
  • Make a sea life sustainability chart
  • Write a recount of the day
  • Write facts about pollution
  • Make our own machines to solve pollution
  • Draw a picture of animals

Kelly Tarltons

Learning about ocean sustainability

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Rounding numbers to the nearest 100

Round numbers to the nearest 10 

Give it a go!!!

Welcome back to term 2

Check out www.sunshineclassics.co.nz to find books that have been loaded on just for you!

If you have trouble logging in please come and see me. 

I can see when you have read a book on this website so I will be looking out for some super star readers!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

We are kauanuanu

We talked about what our team logo means.

Kauanuanu means to be 'inspirational' or 'awesome'. Talk with your family about who you think is inspirational and why.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Autumn writing

Today we worked with habitat 15 and talked about autumn leaves.
We made a list of adjectives and verbs to describe the leaves.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Wall art

I just saw some amazing wall art in Napier showing how rubbish can ruin our ocean.
Have a go at drawing your own art, showing the damage rubbish can have on our environment (not on the wall though, mum or dad might get angry)

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Fractions fractions fractions!!

Have a go at drawing some shapes and making your own fractions.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Here is what we are working on for maths. Each student knows what stage they are working on (but they can all practice skills from each)

Hat day!

We had a hat day to raise money for a child who lives in Myanmar, Asia. The village he lives in has very little. They even struggle to get fresh drinking water.
We are all very thankful for what we have here in New Zealand!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Ocean Sustainability

We have been talking about what we know about the ocean. 
Some thoughts for today...

What is in the ocean?
What does a healthy ocean look like?
What is dangerous to our oceans?

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Olympic sports day

Today we had an Olympic sports day. We tried lots of different sports and met world champion triathlete Hamish Carter.

Homelink--- what was you favourite sport? What did you find easy? What did you find hard?

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Lukes new sister.

For homelink Luke has written a recount about the first time he met his baby sister.


We have almost finished our summer art work and poems!

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Positive relationships

This term we are learning about how to create positive relationships.

We talked about a character from our shared reading book and made a venn diagram to show what we have in common and what our differences are.

Can you make a venn diagram about you and a family member?

Sand saucer

On the weekend Caitlin went to the Kumeu Show and entered the sand saucer competition. She did very well and got highly commemded.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Today we voted for what flag we would like to represent Aotearoa, New Zealand. 

Homelink idea
What flag do you like? Why? 
Design your own flag for our country.

Welcome to our blog

Hi! You are reading Habitat 14's blog. On this page you will see some of the learning we are doing throughout the day. 
Your positive comments are welcome.