Monday, May 23, 2016

Fish for the fales

Look at our fish we painted today for the school fales. They are going to look great all swimming together!

Growth mindset

We are learning how to have a growth mindset... we try our best to keep our thoughts positive. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Homelink ideas from our trip to Kelly Tarltons

  • Write a sea story
  • List some facts about sea life
  • Make a sea life sustainability chart
  • Write a recount of the day
  • Write facts about pollution
  • Make our own machines to solve pollution
  • Draw a picture of animals

Kelly Tarltons

Learning about ocean sustainability

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Rounding numbers to the nearest 100

Round numbers to the nearest 10 

Give it a go!!!

Welcome back to term 2

Check out to find books that have been loaded on just for you!

If you have trouble logging in please come and see me. 

I can see when you have read a book on this website so I will be looking out for some super star readers!